Monday, August 13, 2012

Stuff that dropped off a full plate

For those of you who arise in the morning hoping that today there will be another 3000-word Rambler, well, not yet.  I'm in process of moving my office and I'm in the last weeks of rehearsing a play I'm in (first time on stage in 19 years.  Shocked to find out I've missed it so much).  So it'll be a while.

Meanwhile, though, I continue to write at several blogs in that other side of my life, marketing intelligence analysis.  Most of you are usually not interested, I have found, in subjects like the Kia Hamstas, Hiscox's quietly brilliant use of a mobile app in B2B insurance, the Zipf distribution of market share, or new statistics for estimating virality.  At least I think that's why you flee me at parties.  But as it happens, today's piece at All Analytics  has something to do with politics, in which some of you are interested, and specifically in structural graphs (pictures that show you how an election works rather than who's winning or predicting who will). So for those of you who just can't get enough of the election, get thee to the link, and you will see a nifty picture and some discussion of it.

For those of you who've already gotten too much, there's always the link to Raise the Gipper! at right.  See you all again, soon,  but probably not very soon.