Father Lucifer, a novel in progress: End of Chapter 1http://fatherluciferbyjohnbarnes.blogspot.com/2012/01/father-lucifer-chapter-1-combines-prior.html: For the next couple hours, Nasty John's was dead but not totally dead. That gave me too much time to to think and not enough time to study, so I mindlessly knocked off piddly manager shit, worked through a calculus problem set, read half a chapter of logic without understanding it, and listened to Megan about this new guy that was, like, definitely nice but so confusing and maybe just wanted some make-outage.
More of Hal's afternoon, and a very unexpected person from his past shows up.
If you're coming in a
little late, with the story already in progress, don't disturb the other
patrons, remember to remove your hat, and the actual start of the novel
is here.